Stray dogs have been an integral part of our society for ages, but unfortunately, they are often neglected and mistreated .

One of our volunteers was taking usual walk around the neighborhood, he noticed a street dog who had recently given birth to puppies. She looked weak and malnourished, and her eyes seemed to have lost all hope. He called us . We approached to dog slowly, trying not to scare her, and offered her some biscuits that we had carried with us .

As she cautiously approached us , we noticed that she did not have a collar. We realized that a radium collar could be useful in identifying her at night, and hence we decided to help her.

We brought new collar for her , and then we went back to the same spot and found her sitting in the same place. She recognized us and wagged her tail as we approached her. We carefully placed the radium collar around her neck, and she seemed to appreciate it.

From then on , we made sure to check on her and her puppies. we also started to carry food and water for them. Slowly, we could see a significant difference in her appearance and behavior. She had gained some weight, and her eyes had started to sparkle again.



Mail info@wingsfordreams.org

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